19 juin 2018

The Museum

Discover this wonderful site

As you arrive in the park  you will be amazed by the historic buildings and the rose garden. This beautiful place was an estate at the end of the 18th century, built by the baron Joseph François Foullon. He was very important for the town of Doué-la-Fontaine because he settled here the plantations of roses. He also built the fountains and the wash house as well as many installations and buildings in the city.

Nowadays his stables still exist but his castle was destroyed during the French Revolution. There are still some remains of the castle.


In 1983, the museum settled in the stables. It is the result of a life of collection that we owe to its creator,  Jacques Gilabert.

As you enter you will be brought back somewhere between the middle of the 19th century and the 1950’s. You will discover around twenty shops with furniture and goods.




Do you want to travel … through times ?

Take some time to discover old french brands or rediscover international brands, to smell the fragrance of the past… And for some of you, to be thrown back to your childhood.

Are you ready for a trip down memory lane?




Discover a preview of the museum here : 

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